Wearable sweat analysis to determine biological age

What started as a student project has now evolved into solid research results. We are delighted with the conceptual findings on the determination of biological age by means of sweat analysis.

sweat analysis

For a steadily aging population, it is becoming increasingly important to take one's lifestyle into one's own hands in order to be able to age healthily.
As part of an international consortium, researchers at ETH Zurich have now developed a concept for a non-invasive method that will in future be able to determine a person's exact biological age simply and independently of location using sweat analyses. Specifically, it could be possible to determine how old cells and tissues are due to molecular damage, physiological deterioration or age-related modifications such as changes in the epigenome. This is a biological age determination that is much more precise than the actual chronological age in years. The result is particularly noteworthy because it originally arose from a semester project by students of the ETH Health Sciences and Technology program as part of the "Practicing Translational Science" course. The results were scientifically processed together with leading experts and published in the journal Trends in Biotechnology.

Noé Brasier, MD, MedLab Fellow
Institute for Translational Medicine
ETH Zurich

The full article can be found here:
Niederberger C, Vermeersch A, Davidhi F, Ewald CY, Havenith G, Goldhahn J, Can Dincer, & Noé Brasier. Wearable sweat analysis to determine biological age. Trends in Biotechnology. 2023.

external pageThe article can be downloaded for free via the following link until April 12, 2023.  

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