Congratulations to Professor Catherine Jutzeler and Lucie Bourguignon

We heartly congratulate Prof Catherine Jutzeler and Lucie Bourguignon, who have been granted the prestigious Ludwig-Guttmann Award by the Deutschsprachige Medizinische Gesellschaft für Paraplegiologie (DMGP).

The lauded study significantly summarises international surveillance results in acute spinal cord injury. A research success that relies on multinational clinical trial collaboration. The results provide an indication of expected changes in standardised findings after traumatic spinal cord injury and will guide the development and conduct of future clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of novel therapies - with potential applicability in a multinational setting.

We congratulate Catherine Jutzeler and Lucie Bourguignon on this well-deserved recognition.

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Jutzeler and Bourguignone
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