Sweating the biological age

Originally a student project - now official cover of the journal "Trends in Biotechnology"! Congratulations to MedLab Fellow Noé Brasier, MD, and all the researchers who contributed to this great publication success.

Journal Cover

Earlier, we reported about a novel concept to determine the biological age using wearable sweat analysis, which evolved out of a student project from the lecture “Practicing Translational Science” at ETH Zurich and was developed in collaboration with an international consortium (Wearable sweat analysis to determine biological age – Institute of Translational Medicine | ETH Zurich). The concept was now officially published in the latest issue of the Journal Trends in Biotechnology (Cell Press). In an additional project, an illustrative artwork was designed by Noé Brasier (ETH Zurich) and Can Dincer (University of Freiburg, DE) in collaboration with Ella Maru Studio that adorns the journal cover of the latest issue. The publication of the concept is freely accessibly along the following link until September: external pageLINK

Noé Brasier, MD, MedLab Fellow
Institute for Translational Medicine
ETH Zurich

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